Sex is a better headache cure than painkillers
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More than half of migraine sufferers who had sex during an episode experienced an improvement in symptoms, he study found. Sex is good for your relationship, it's also good for your overall health and wellbeing.
He stressed that there is no medicine that works as fast and cures headache than sex. Free porn pictures about electro pussy punishment asian. Sex releases endorphins that act as painkillers.
A new study from the university of munster in germany claims that sex may be more effective than taking painkillers for a headache. A team of neurologists found that sexual activity can lead to partial or complete relief of head pain in some migraines.
They were asked about their experience with sexual activity during a headache attack and its impact on headache intensity.
Sex can cure head pain, according to scientists and venturing between the sheets may even be more effective than heading to the medicine cabinet.